Rebuilding Self-Esteem

Photo by <a href="">Pawel Czerwinski</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to let someone else's opinion shape your self-esteem? One moment, you feel confident and fabulous, and the next, a casual comment can send you spiraling into self-doubt. In a world obsessed with idealized beauty and unattainable standards, it's not surprising that many women grapple with self-esteem issues. What is surprising is how readily we internalize external judgments and how deeply they affect our self-worth.

For me, this struggle began in high school, where a group of relentless individuals constantly berated me, insisting I was stupid and ugly. Despite a loving family, good grades, and a steadfast friend, I clung to their hurtful words, convinced of my own worthlessness. My self-esteem plummeted to dangerous lows, and it nearly consumed me.

Understanding Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a complex concept. It's more than just feeling good about yourself or taking pride in your achievements. It's about recognizing your own value. As Dr. John Nemiah puts it, self-esteem is the "ability to look upon yourself as having value."

The common misconception is that our appearance solely dictates self-esteem. In reality, it's the other way around. It's our self-esteem that shapes our reaction to the reflection in the mirror.

The Devastating Impact of Low Self-Esteem

As my self-esteem dwindled, my confidence evaporated. I became silent in class, avoided social interactions, and even skipped meals to escape the cafeteria's judgmental stares. I believed that if I made myself invisible, I couldn't be hurt. My life revolved around hiding, and I saw no way out.

The Link Between Low Self-Esteem and Depression

Low self-esteem doesn't always lead to depression, but the two often go hand-in-hand. The World Health Organization (WHO) even includes low self-worth in its description of depression. When you doubt your own value, you become your harshest critic. The inner monologue of "if only I were better in this way or that" drowns out any praise or encouragement. It's as if, as Julia Roberts said in "Pretty Woman," we find it easier to believe the bad stuff.

Depression symptoms often fester internally, leading some to dismiss them as typical growing pains. However, the WHO reports that fewer than 25 percent of those suffering from depression receive proper care. It's crucial to recognize the signs, especially in teenagers where suicide ranks as one of the top three causes of death. Even in adulthood, low self-esteem can undermine work performance, strain relationships, and hinder personal growth.

The Road to Healing

For me, escaping my tormentors by switching schools offered some respite, but it didn't magically restore my self-worth. Healing requires a change in perspective rather than just a change in surroundings.

When you stop liking yourself, the world can seem like a daunting place. Seeking help, attending self-esteem workshops, reading books on the topic, or consulting a counsellor can provide valuable guidance. For me, this journey began with a newfound sense of self-worth, reigniting a spark of hope.

Undoing the damage from those years took time and effort, but it was a journey worth taking. In fact, I'm considering another visit to the hairdresser soon, just for the fun of it.

Remember, your self-esteem is the foundation upon which you build your life. Nurturing it is essential for personal growth, happiness, and well-being.

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