If I Have a Daughter


By, Nwankwo Chidozie

The moment she's ten I'll hang two wall clocks in her room and make books for her carpet. She may ask “Daddy why?” I will reply to her “Clocks will let you know how time waits for no human and books will nourish your mind with wisdom which makes you virtuous. This you'll know when you'll be cities away facing the world on your own.”

If I have a daughter, I'll talk a little and listen to her for a long time. I'll walk her into a pen and point at a cow asking her what she has as body parts that are lacking in a cow. Then I pause, in patience, until she acknowledges – “nothing.”

“Then what is special about you, my Darling?” I’ll ask looking her in the eyes. But meters apart. Then I take her by the hand strolling, “the brain my Darling is the difference. Yes, the brain!”

No matter how beautiful you think your figure is or how pretty your face looks, whenever it pops into your head how you move men when you walk with spotless fair skin, straight athletic legs and muscles parked in the right proportion in the most accurate places, stop to remember that the cow has them too.

Whenever you preen before the mirror in worship of your adorable figure, ask: “Between me and a cow what makes the difference?” Your BRAIN my darling! So feed it and watch other things fall in place effortlessly.

By twenty when all male adores my darling and everyone has interest, I'll let her know about the winning team - team trinity; Parents, siblings and, if she’s lucky; a good friend. That's the team that will be with her even when seasons change.

If I have a daughter, I'll charge her to see judgement as a pill and strive to swallow some dose of it and that the bitter it tastes, the better.

“Run away from those who say ‘Do it so long you feel cool’ for they have lost their soul testing everything in this world they have long lost focus therefore no aim.”

“Never strive for happiness” I'll charge my daughter for if you want happiness what happens when your plans fail or you are at your lows? Happiness results from your constant communion with God, your Maker and how truthfully you follow Him. How you go after meanings and values in life.

The erotic or romantic and love are different, choose love. And when erotic, let it be in marriage. For love is peace while the erotic is mild madness only tamed in marriage. If you doubt me ask those suffering heartbreak.

Be mindful of time - eating toys you call TV and Smart phones. Still and moving pictures. Just like mosquitoes they suck your time and infect you with lack of focus and dopamine rush that are unnecessary most times.


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