All That Is Needed


By Diana Martinz

All that is needed……Is to know all that is needed.

All that is needed...... is to be all that is needed

All that is needed to give all that is needed.

Seems like a tall order, doesn’t it? Right; let’s consider this…….

I used to think all I needed was Bananas, meat pie, princess dresses and daddy and mummy, for a short while I had them all. And as long as daddy and mummy were, I would always have what I needed.

Then I lost Mummy... oh by the way, she didn’t die, she left and afterwards I lost Daddy... well, he too didn’t die, but I lost him to decisions, mistakes, retribution and absences of mind and body. I realized I could live without those things so, without anyone telling me, I had to grow up too early. I NEEDED to be nurtured and shown the way; guided in the way, not stumble along it.

Over time I’ve needed a lot of things as a human, a girl, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a ‘significant other’ (or a girlfriend if you may), a wife and mother (WHAT?! So, what if I’m not married yet and have no biological kids of my own) and I’ve also lost or stopped needing some things that seemed to be my life’s meaning at one point or the other?

And to be honest so have most of you. Anyways, the thing is we all have needs, but there is a need that surpasses every other and there really isn’t any word that quite aptly captures the right feeling it evokes. Every single person on the earth has felt this need at one point or the other.

It’s a soul’s yearning.

Ever heard the saying ‘’If GOD is all you have, then you have ALL YOU NEED’’? Well, Isn’t that the truth!? That is the very heart of the matter, the one need that surpasses all others and the one which if met, meets every need. I’m talking counsel, providence, purpose, virtues, gifts and abilities, skill, character and attitude, relationships; whatever makes up life and living, He will teach you how to meet each need. Uniquely too, not like everyone else is doing

Ever been the odd one out, felt out of place or just lonely? Remember the feeling? Good. Now go learn of WHAT and WHO the complete answer is to these yearnings, become the answer (as instructed in Eph 5:1 and 1John 4: 17) and give what you needed then to the one who needs it now.

Have you met Jasper who thought he was Gay, and a Christian?

What about that cousin struggling with his CGPA and finishing school? (Graduating from school isn’t easy for all of us. I am a testimony to that).

Your Aunt is staying only because of the kids; anything else about the marriage is over

That Friend still doesn’t know what He was created for and has low self-esteem.

If you have got GOD (who is all you need) and are learning from Him what His Earth needs, then Step up and know what each one needs (be it your father, mother, sister or brother) and meet each need per time, if not within your capacity then find someone who can and if that is still out of reach be the hand that holds, the shoulder that’s leaned on, the sounding board, the voice of reason, be the vessel that HE uses, be a ‘god’ (Psalm 82:6). Be the HELP that is MEET for every situation (if you think being a helpmeet is a wife’s job then you’re right, know also that ‘’you are the BRIDE of CHRIST’’. A bride is ultimately a wife). If you be a husband, daughter, uncle or even as far as a second cousin twice removed (whatever this means) Give the love that is needed, have the faith that is needed and hope against hope that the ultimate need is met by each one.

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